
Time Zone : Saudi Arabia (GMT+3)

  • Day 1 : 27 November 2023
  • Day 2 : 28 November 2023
  • Day 3 : 29 November 2023
  • Opening Session
  • Session 1
  • Session 2
8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Opening Remarks By Pierre MagistrettiVice President for Research, Ibn Sina Distinguished Professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Opening Remarks By Mohammed Alotaibi​Deputy Governor of Radio Spectrum - Communications Space and Technology Commission (CST), Saudi Arabia
Opening Remarks By Gianluca SettiProfessor and Dean of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Opening Remarks By Ana Margarida CostaHead of Sustainability - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Opening Remarks By Maya PrinceUNESCO Chair Program Manager, Paris, France
Opening Remarks By Mohamed-Slim AlouiniDistingushed Professor - KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Chair: Tareq Al-NaffouriProfessor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
09:15 AM - 10:00 AMJoint Sensing and Communication: Occam’s Radar and Modulating on Conjugate Zeros By Babak HassibiProfessor of Electrical Engineering - California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

One of the hallmarks of 6G is the ability of devices to jointly sense and communicate, as well as to provide ULLRC (ultra low latency reliable communication) links for time sensitive control and command signals. In this talk, we will focus on two applications in this area: radar for autonomous systems, and short packet blind communications. Compared to conventional radar, the challenges of autonomous driving radar include high dynamic range, low resolution, complex dynamic scenes with hundreds to thousands of targets, high false positive rates, and interference from other radars. In order to address these challenges, we will introduce a new approach to radar signal processing, based on atomic norm minimization. In this setting, the scene is assumed to consist of a collection of point targets (called atoms) and the algorithm attempts to find as succinct as possible an explanation of the received signal in terms of a linear superposition of atoms: hence Occam’s radar. We show through simulations and actual measurements that the approach achieves near maximum-likelihood performance for a range of parameters well beyond what can be achieved by conventional methods, as well as 3X improvement in resolution per dimension. Finally, we show that a family of signals used in radar are ideal for blind short packet communications. We thus introduce a new modulation scheme, MOCZ (modulation on conjugate zeros), that allows for communicating information over an unknown dispersive channel without the need to send pilot signals.

10:00 AM - 10:15 AMCoffee Break
10:15 AM - 10:45 AMAnalysis and Optimization of RIS: A Multiport Network Theory Approach By Marco Di RenzoCNRS Research Director – CNRS and CentraleSupelec, France.

Multiport network theory is a suitable abstraction model for analyzing and optimizing reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), especially for studying the impact of the electromagnetic mutual coupling among radiating elements that are spaced less than half of the wavelength. The representations in terms of Z-parameter (impedance) and S-parameter (scattering) matrices are widely utilized. In this talk, we elaborate on multiport network theory for analyzing and optimizing the reradiation properties of RIS-aided channels, with focus on four key aspects. (i) We offer a thorough comparison between the Z-parameter and S-parameter representations. This comparison allows us to unveil that typical scattering models utilized for RIS-aided channels ignore the structural scattering from the RIS, which results in an unwanted specular reflection. (ii) We develop an iterative algorithm for optimizing, in the presence of electromagnetic mutual coupling, the tunable loads of the RIS based on the S-parameters representation. We prove that small perturbations of the step size of the algorithm result in larger variations of the S-parameter matrix compared with the Z-parameter matrix, resulting in a faster convergence rate. (iii) We develop a new algorithm to suppress the specular reflection due to the structural scattering, while maximizing the received power towards the direction of interest, and analyze the effectiveness and tradeoffs of the proposed approach. (iv) Finally, we validate the theoretical findings and algorithms with numerical simulations and a commercial full-wave electromagnetic simulator based on the method of moments.

10:45 AM - 11:15 AMWireless Communications in the Era of Global Sustainability Challenges By Sonia AissaCyrille-Duquet Chair Professor - Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) of the Université du Québec, Canada

The sustainability challenges that we are facing on a global level require unprecedented multi-
agent, multi-frontal actions to save the planet. On the technological front, these challenges are being
met by engineers and scientists in various fields. In this context, wireless communications are already
being integrated as part of the technological solutions to empower sustainable development in various
economic sectors, e.g., smart cities, smart agriculture, etc., by leading the development of smart,
connected technologies. However, as wireless technologies proliferate and their global footprint grows,
so will their own impact on sustainability. It is therefore important that sustainability considerations be
central to the design, deployment and operation of next-generation wireless networks.
Currently, energy efficiency is considered to be quasi-synonymous with sustainability in the wireless
community. Therefore, this talk starts by discussing current trends and recent progress in wireless
networks’ energy efficiency improvement techniques and highlighting outstanding challenges, such as
the incorporation of long-term efficiency measures. However, as important as energy efficiency is, it
represents only one facet of the overall sustainability of a wireless system or network. For a more
comprehensive approach to sustainability, one must also consider critical resources native to wireless
systems, namely spectrum and materials. In the second part of the talk, a framework where
sustainability is central to the process of designing next-generation wireless technologies and networks
is presented and discussed. This framework provides a holistic approach that considers spectrum,
energy and materials in assessing the sustainability through the establishment and use of aggregate
sustainability metrics that incorporate all three of these resources.

11:15 AM - 11:45 AMQuantum Computing for Worldwide 6G and Beyond Cellular Positioning By Moustafa YoussefProfessor - American University in Cairo, Egypt

Quantum computing provides a new way for approaching problem solving, enabling efficient solutions for problems that are hard on classical computers. With researchers around the world showing quantum supremacy, quantum computing is becoming a reality. In this talk, I will share both the opportunities and challenges that quantum computing has for location determination research. Specifically, I will present an example for the expected gain of using quantum algorithms by providing an efficient quantum implementation of the well-known RF fingerprinting algorithm and its performanceon a realIBM Quantum Experience computer. The proposed quantum algorithm has a complexity that is exponentially better than its classical algorithm version, both in space and running time. Such exponential savings make quantum positioning algorithms a good candidate for meeting the requirements of the recent release of the third generation partnership project (3GPP), Release 17, which calls for sub-meter cellular positioning accuracy with reduced latency in calculation for both indoor and outdoor environements. I end the talk with a discussion on both software and hardware research challenges and opportunities that researchers can build on to explore this exciting new domain.

11:45 AM - 12:15 PMPublic Safety Requirements and Future Technologies By Jaafar Elmirghani Head of Technology, Research and Innovation, Neom, Saudi Arabia
12:30 PM - 02:00 PMLunch
Chair: Ahmed EltawilProfessor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
02:00 PM - 02:45 PMAI-Enabled Deployment of Connected and Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Smart Cities By Hussein MouftahDistinguished University Professor - the School Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - University of Ottawa, Canada

The transformation of our current cities into smarter cities will bring challenges in diverse areas such as the transportation system,the electricity system,and wearable systems,just to name a few. In smart cities, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)will play a vital role for providing services in the urban environment. These services include real time monitoring and reaction in time through wireless sensor and actuator networks. Smart Grids (SGs), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Internet of Things (IoT), Electric Vehicles (EVs), and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), supported by the advances inArtificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML),will bethe building blocks of futuristic smart cities.In this presentationwe will address ML techniqueswith a focus on autonomousvehicles and in particular on Connected and Autonomous Electric Vehicles (CAEVs) in smart cities.Current capabilities as well as limitations and opportunities of key AI enabling technologies will be reviewed, along with a discussion on the impact of such advances on society and the environment. All these technologies will help to build a smart city. Asurvey on intelligent edge computing for enhancing CAEV and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)charging in 6G within a smart city environment,will be provided.

02:45 PM - 03:15 PMResource Management for IoT Networks WithAmbient RF Energy Harvesting: A DeepReinforcement Learning Approach By Abdulaziz AlorainyAssistant Professor - King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia

We investigate resource allocation for self-sustained Internet of Things (IoT) networks withambient radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting via a spatiotemporal approach. We consider a harddeadline for packet delivery, and we aim to jointly reduce the age of information (AoI) and thepacket drop rate due to the hard deadline for packet deliveryor due to buffer overflow. To achievethat, using tools from deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and stochastic geometry, we propose ajoint rate adaptation and power control scheme that accounts for the spatial topology of the networkand the temporal attributes at the device level. In particular, stochastic geometry is leveraged tocharacterize the energy harvesting process and the packet transmission success probability for agiven transmit rate and power. Furthermore, the joint rate adaptation and power control policy foreach IoT device is obtained using a deep R-network (DRN), andthe performances of the last-come-first-served (LCFS) queuing discipline, the first-come-first-served (FCFS) queuing disciplineand a proposed hybrid queuing discipline are compared. Presented numerical results demonstratethat the LCFS queuing discipline improves the AoI performance while the FCFS queuing disciplineimproves the packet drop rate. Also, the proposed hybrid queuing discipline facilitates the tradeoffbetween the AoI and the packet drop rate and can achieve a goodperformance in both measures.

03:15 PM - 03:30 PMCoffee Break
03:30 PM - 04:15 PM6G Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks: Sky is the limit By Hamid Jafarkhani Chancellor's Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - University of California, USA

Wireless networks of the future are envisioned to be highly heterogeneous. They will include flying nodes like UAVs as base stations, relays, and sensors. In many applications, one is interested in optimally deploying a network of nonidentical nodes into a certain area of interest. These networks may include a multitude of connected autonomous nodes, including UAVs, in one or more tiers. In this talk, we consider the deployment and trajectory optimization of these networks and the corresponding challenges. We discuss fundamental design challenges like the best spatial deployment of nodes to minimize the energy consumption or maximize the sensing accuracy while guaranteeing network connectivity. We also discuss the characteristics of the optimally deployed heterogeneous networks and the role of UAVs in future wireless networks.

04:15 PM - 04:45 PMExplainable AI Based Ultra-Reliable Wireless Networked Control Systems in 6G By Sinem Coleri Professor and the Chair of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Koc University, Turkey

Unlike previous generation networks that were mainly designed to meet the requirements of human communications, 5G networks enable the collection of data from machines, with the total number of devices expected to be around 26 billion in 2026 according to Ericsson Mobility Report. Looking forward to 6G systems, the focus shifts to utilizing this data for a new spectrum of control applications, including extended reality, remote surgery and autonomous vehicle platoons. Designing communication systems for these control applications poses unique challenges. It requires meeting stringent requirements for delay and reliability, addressing the semantics of control systems and ensuring robust resource management. In the first part of this talk, ultra-reliable channel modeling and communication techniques are presented for the joint design of control and communication systems based on extreme value theory and artificial intelligence (AI). AI enables predicting the channel parameters with higher accuracy while incorporating various system inputs and providing adaptivity to dynamic scenarios at high frequency bands, including THz, optical and mmwave communication. In the second part of the talk, the benefits of using explainable AI in radio resource management for 6G networks are highlighted, offering a systematic methodology to enhance robustness and interpret decisions made by black-box AI models. Explainable AI techniques, including feature attribution, model simplification, model compression and sensitivity analysis, are demonstrated.

04:45 PM - 05:15 PMFrom Multimodal Sensing to Digital Twin-Assisted Communications By Ahmed AlkhateebAssistant Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering - Arizona State University, USA

Wireless communication systems are transitioning to higher frequency bands, including mmWavein 5G and above 100GHz in 6G and beyond, and deploying large antenna arrays at the infrastructure and mobile users via massive MIMO, mmWave/terahertz MIMO, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, etc. While the transition to higher frequency bands and the use of large antenna arrays help satisfy the increasing demand for data rates, they also introduce new challenges. These challenges make it hard for these systems to support mobility and maintain high reliability and low latency.In this talk, I will first motivate the use of multi-modal sensory data and machine learning to address these challenges. Then, I will present a vision in which precise 3D maps, multi-modal sensing, real-time ray-tracing, and machine learning are integrated to construct real-time digital twins of the communication environments and comprehensively assist all layers of the communication systems. I will discuss some of the open questions to realize this vision, present a research platform for investigating the digital twin problems, andhighlight some initial results.

05:30 PM - 07:00 PMPoster SessionKAUST, Building 9, Level 2
  • Session 3
  • Session 4
Chair: Basem ShihadaProfessor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
09:00 AM - 09:45 AMNavigation Technologies – State of the Art and Future Trends By Naser El-SheimyProfessor - University of Calgary, Canada

Navigation is a field that has been fascinating humankind for thousands of years and these pillars have been evolving with new technological advancements.There are three ‘pillars’ that define the performance or usefulness of a navigation technologies –cost, accuracy, and continuity. The past two decades have witnessed major progress in navigation technologies. The current market in positioning and navigation is clearly dominated by GNSS. Besides being globally available, it meets two important pillars: accuracy and cost by providing the whole range of navigation accuracies at very low cost. It is also highly portable, has low power consumption, and is wellsuited for integration with other sensors, communication links, and databases.At this point in the development of navigation technology, the need for alternative positioning systems only arises because GNSS does meet the continuity pillar as it does notwork in all environments. Furthermore, there has been a constant market push to develop navigation systems that are accurate, continuous and easy to afford. Needless to say, that cost,and space constraints are currently driving manufacturers of cars, portable devices (e.g. smartphones), and autonomous systems (e.g. self-driving,drones and agriculture machine systems) systems to investigate and develop next generation of low cost and small size navigation systems to meet the fast-growing autonomous vehicles and location services market demands. This presentation will provide a state of the art and future trends of sensors used for navigation of autonomous vehicles: possibilities, limitations and various design approaches. Emphasis will be on sensors and technologies that can navigate autonomous vehicles everywhereand at any time independent of weather and light conditions. Some of the current developed and possible future system’s accuracy performance will be demonstrated through different implementations/applicationsusing Propound Positioning Inc technologies.

09:45 AM - 10:15 AMAERPAW: Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform on Advanced Wireless By Ismail GuvencProfessor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NC State University, USA

Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless (AERPAW) is one of the four PAWR projects funded by the National Science Foundation in the United States. AERPAW supports large-scale outdoor advanced wireless experiments with autonomous unmanned aerial and ground vehicles (UAVs/UGVs) and it is remotely accessible by the nationwide research community. Users of AERPAW have the opportunity to design and rapidly prototype next-generation wireless technologies, systems, and applications in both emulated and real-world environments. This talk will review the overall scope, and existing outdoor infrastructure including eight dedicated fixed nodes (towers, rooftop nodes, and a light pole) and their capabilities, as well as future plans for the AERPAW project. We will describe various different experiment examples involving software-defined radios, a commercial Ericsson 4G/5G network, RF sensors from Keysight, and a smart agriculture system with various LoRa gateways and sensors, all of them interacting with autonomous UAVs and UGVs in a large-scale outdoor environment. We will overview our digital twin that allows AERPAW users to exclusively design their outdoor experiments in a containerized virtual environment. We will also provide various research examples carried out on the platform since AERPAW declared general availability in November 2021.

10:15 AM - 10:30 AMCoffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:00 PMStacked Intelligent Metasurfaces for 6G Communication Systems By Naveed Ul HassanAssociate Professor - Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan

The inspiration for a stacked intelligent metasurface (SIM) originates from the similarities between an RIS that has multiple meta-atoms and a hidden layer in a deep neural network (DNN) that also consists of multiple neurons with adjustable complex weights. However, a DNN has multiple layers of neurons that gives it a remarkable signal processing ability. In a similar way, by staking multiple layers of meta-atoms, we can perform complex signal processing operations on the signals in the electromagnetic (EM) wave domain without requiring digital beamforming and high-precision digital to analog conversions. In this talk, we will begin by developing a path-loss model for an SIM assisted wireless communication system. Based on the proposed path-loss model, we will formulate an optimization problem for producing a given target radiation pattern on a 2D plane located at a certain distance from the center of the SIM. The corresponding algorithms for the continuous and discrete settings will be discussed. We will show that, thanks to the use of multiple layers, complex target radiation patterns are easily generated. The fine-grained control over the spatial distribution of radiated power achieved with the help of an SIM has several interesting multi-user applications in 6G communication systems.

11:00 AM - 11:30 AMReconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enabled Solutions for Sparse mmWave Channels By Jia YeAssociate Professor - School of Electrical Engineering of Chongqing University, China

Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications have garnered significant attention from both academia and industry, thanks to the abundant spectrum resources available in the mmWave frequency bands, capable of supporting gigabit-per-second data rates for bandwidth-intensive wireless applications. However, mmWave communications present challenges, particularly in the form of coverage gaps due to sparse and rank-deficient channels. In an exciting development, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), also known as intelligent reflecting surfaces, have emerged as a disruptive technology with the potential to enhance mmWave communications. Composed of numerous low-cost, passive, and small reflecting elements, RIS offers a promising solution. However, it’s important to note that the performance gains from RIS depend on well-designed reflection coefficients and access to necessary channel state information. In this presentation, I will introduce effective RIS designs and channel estimation schemes tailored to different mmWave communication systems, leveraging various RIS configurations. We’ll delve into how we can leverage the inherent channel rank deficiency of mmWavechannels to develop low-complexity yet highly effective phase shift designs and channel estimation methods. Through these insights, we aim to unlock the true potential of mmWave communications with RIS technology.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PMPotential of Machine Learning Approaches in 6G networks By Ahmed EltawilProfessor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
12:00 PM - 12:30 PMAI-Powered Analytics in RF Spectrum Management By Abdulah AljohaniResearch & Innovation Consultant - Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST), Saudi Arabia

As we move forward into the 6G era, the efficient management of spectrum resources is paramount for unlocking the full potential of emerging technologies. In this talk, we will delve into the dynamic landscape of Spectrum Management and explore cutting-edge trends and methodologies that are reshaping the way we allocate, optimize, and utilize this invaluable resource.

Our journey will take us through the realm of Spectrum Advanced Analytics, where AI and data science techniques play a pivotal role in revolutionizing the traditional approaches to spectrum management. We will discuss how these technologies are enabling us to benchmark global trends in spectrum management with unparalleled precision, providing insights that were previously unimaginable.

12:30 PM - 02:00 PMLunch
Chair: Atif ShamimProfessor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
02:00 PM - 02:45 AMSurface Waves based Metasurface Antennas and Metasurface Lenses By Stefano MaciProfessor - University of Siena, Italy

Metasurfacesconstitute a class of thin metamaterials, which can be used from microwave to optical frequencies to create new electromagnetic engineering devices. They are obtained by a dense periodic texture of small elements printed on or etched in a dielectric substrate. Changing the dimension of the elements, being the sub-wavelength 2D-periodicity equal, gives the visual effect of a pixelated image and the electromagnetic effect of a modulation of the equivalent local impedance boundary conditions (IBC). Molding IBC allows for a local modification of the dispersion equation and, at constant operating frequency, of the local wavevector;thus, enabling a transformation ofsurface or guided waves into different wavefield configurations with required properties. This talk will be focused in SWs manipulation control, with example in design of high-gain, low cross-pol antennas, Gaussian horns, multibeams,flatlenses, deflector, metaradomes, and topological line waves. Adaptive MTSs, composed of dynamically reconfigurablematerials, would allow to explore new reconfigurable-beam antennasopening perspective in new generation wireless communication systems.

02:45 PM - 03:15 PMDesign of Millimeter Wave Leaky Wave Antennas using GapWaveguide Technology By Eva Rajo-IglesiasProfessor with the Department of Signal Theory and Communications - University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

Gap Waveguide Technology is already a mature technology that found applications in the millimeter wave and higher frequency ranges, enabling the design of cost-effective, low-loss antennas and components.
This presentation offers an overview of the fundamentals and technology options while placing special emphasis on designing leaky wave antennas using this technology. Leaky wave antennas offer a streamlined approach by achieving moderate to high directivity without the need for complex
feed networks. The presentation reviews its implementation in gap waveguide technology, explores associated challenges, and delves into the technology’s potential applications.

Coffee Break
03:30 PM - 04:00 PMWhat if RF Front-Ends Were Field Programmable? By Ammar KoukiProfessor of Electrical Engineering and the Founding Director of the LTCC@ETS Laboratory - École de technologie supérieure, Canada.

The way we develop, deploy and use wireless communications is shapedin large partby our ability to control signaling and to use and manage the electromagnetic spectrum. On the digital/baseband side, field programmable hardware allows for real-time adaptive signaling,which in turn enables highly agile and flexible software-radio-type communications.By contrast RF front-ends are highlystatic, must often be duplicated or repeated in the same radio to accommodate differentdiscretefrequencies or services and offer little to no hardware reusewith nofield programmability. As such, they placean important restriction on how wecanmake use of the electromagnetic spectrum.In this talk, we start by examiningthe fundamental challenges that underpin the development of field programmable RF front ends. These cover hardware abstraction and functional representation, reconfigurable hardware technologies and techniques and embedded self-measurement and control. We then present a framework under which thesechallenges can be addressed and highlight our team’srecent progress in this area. We close with some thoughts on answering the talk’s question.

04:00 PM - 04:30 PMWhat 6G can Support and its Enabling Technologies By Qammer AbbasiProfessor of Applied Electromagnetics & Sensing with the James Watt School (JWS) of Engineering - University of Glasgow, UK

Future wireless networks are expected be more than allowing people, mobile devices, and objects to communicate with each other. The sixth generation (6G) of mobile networks are envisioned to include high data rate applications and ultra-massive, connected things. This also includes bio and nano-internet of things (IoT) tele-operated driving, unmanned mobility, haptic communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, and many more. Given the size of nano-sensors, THz frequency is proposed to do various sensing activities at this scale. However, it will be ideal to use the same radio frequency for communications as well. Furthermore, THz is also proposed as an enabler of extremely high data rate applications in 6G communications. The talk will be focused on Terahertz antenna  design and  new technology, which is referred to as Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) which will be enabler for future 6G communication.

04:30 PM - 05:00 PMReshaping Wireless Channel Conditions using Electromagnetic skins (EMS) By Wonbin HongProfessor - Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea.

Electromagnetic skins (EMSs) can be employed to manipulate the wireless channel matrix, improving the signal-to-noise ratio at the millimeter-wave and sub-THz frequency spectrum. A line-of-sight channel can be achieved through the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, passive reflectarrays, and frequency-selective surfaces for scattering mitigation. These beamforming surfaces are integrated with cognitive radios, which exploit field diagnosis and deep learning for acquiring channel state information. These software-driven EMSs are expected to be a cost-effective solution for future smart electromagnetic environments.

05:00 PM - 05:30 PMWideband mm-Wave Phased-Array ICs and Systems for Multi-Standard Communication: Challenges & Solutions By Abdulrahman Alhamed Assistant Professor - College of Engineering at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

The rapid growth of mobile users and the surge in data-intensive applications are presenting newchallenges and opportunities. To accommodate therising high-data rate demands, multiple bands have been allocated withinthe mm-Wave 5G-Frequency Range 2(24.25-52.4 GHz). With the next generation of communication systems(6G)on the horizon, peak data rate targets are set to reach 1 Tbps—a 50-foldincrease from the 20 Gbps targeted by 5G systems. Achieving these high data rates will largely depend on allocating wider bands at the mm-Wave and sub-THz frequencies.Therefore, future6G phased-array communication systemsare expected to be highly adaptable, scaling both in array size and supported bands to meet a diverse set of deployment needs. This talk will address the challenges associated with designing mm-Wave ultra-wideband circuits and phased-array systems capable of operating over awidespread spectrum usingadvanced SiGe technology.Additionally, a recently introduced 64-element wideband scalable phased array design will be showcased, witha demonstration of themulti-band operation. The talk will concludewiththe key opportunities and future directions in 6G phased arraydesign.

  • Session 5
  • Session 6
Chair: Mohamed-Slim AlouiniDistinguished Professor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
09:00 AM - 09:45 AMDecision-Making and Social Learning by Multi-Agent Systems By Ali SayedDean of Engineering at EPFL, Switzerland

Modern society is witnessing the emergence of complex networked systems driven by exchanges of information among their elements, such as robotic swarms, autonomous systems, social networks, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) architectures. In these applications, data is collected from heterogeneous sources and is generally dispersed across geographic locations. In this context, it is imperative to design learning algorithms that are better suited to the reality of networked units. New methodologies are necessary to account for “coupling” among “intelligent” agents in a manner that respects privacy, enables multi-tasking, promotes fairness, and is robust to malicious interference. Motivated by these considerations, we provide an overview of algorithms for learning and decision-making that exploit important characteristics of social interactions over graphs. We refer to the framework as Social Machine Learning: it handles heterogeneity in data more gracefully, learns with performance guarantees, is more resilient to adversarial attacks, and promotes explainable and fair learning. The framework exploits three properties that are normally missing from existing learning approaches: diversity, decentralization, and group dynamics.

09:45 AM - 10:15 AMArchitecting the Future of Wireless Networks Connectivity By Basem ShihadaProfessor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

Over four decades, wireless networks continue to play a fundamental role in data transmission and communicating information between users. Wireless networks have gone through five large-scale revolutions, resulting in 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and most recently 5G networks. In 1G and 2G, voice and text were possible. In 3G and 4G, picture and video become commonplace. In today’s 5G, live ultra-high-definition three-dimensional data, virtual reality and augmented reality services can be employed.

In this talk, I will start by providing our vision for next generation networks. We emphasize that human-centric mobile communications will continue be the most important application in such future network. In this context, I will start by highlighting the digital divide that separates world countries into “haves” and “have-nots” as illustrated by our imbalance index project. Then, I will focus on the necessary wireless networking solutions that overcome the digital divide and bring better coverage, robustness, and smartness. I will support this mission by introducing our recent advances in IoT context and location-aware mechanism associated with our recent wireless traffic prediction method. Moving forward, I will review our recent advances in non-terrestrial networks, which includes both UAVs and satellite. In this fold, I will introduce several complex optimization and machine learning methods that predicts UAV trajectory, data rate, and energy consumption. I will show satellite systems are essential for today’s traffic intensive applications while maintaining an accepted end-to-end latency for delay sensitive applications. Throughout the talk, I will highlight several challenges in existing communication technologies that could have the potential of shaping new research and deployment directions of future wireless networks.

10:15 AM - 10:30 AMCoffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:00 AMBuilding Highly Localized Hydrometeorological Networks for Irrigation Scheduling, Snowpack Monitoring, and Flood Early Warning By Abubakr MuhammadAssociate Professor, Founding Director of the Center for Water Informatics& Technology (WIT) - LUMS, Pakistan

Climate change has disastrous consequences for the natural water cycles in South Asia and the Indus basin, leading to frequent floods and droughts, elevated food & energy insecurity and the depletion of critical water resources such as glaciers, seasonal snow, and groundwater. For cities and rural communities in the intensely irrigated river basinsof this region,the availability of timely information about uncertain hydrometeoroligical variableshas become a necessityto achieve high crop water productivity and cope with conditions leading to heatwaves and urban flooding. For the scientific community, hidden state variables such as the spatio-temporal evolution of soil moisture, the intra-seasonal variations of snow-depth,and local precipitation provide critical insights.In this talk, we summarize our on-going work onbuilding highly-localizedearth observation networks using a fusion of Internet of Things (IoT), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), satellite remote sensing products and data-driven modeling. While several global efforts have aimed at providing a wide coverage of soil moisture, streamflows, groundwater levels, snow extent and evapotranspiration using satellite remote sensing, there is a dire need for more localized and more frequent Earth observation-basedproducts. We share our efforts to enable field-scale irrigation schedulingto thousandsof farmers, provide early warning to communities for flash floods and hill torrentsin remote mountainous communities, and calibrateaccurate hydrological models towardspredictingsnowmelt-runoffs inmany small catchmentsof northern Pakistan. Oursmall-scale data-collection efforts, agent-based socio-hydrological models and basin-scale integrated assessment models areenabling government agenciesin Pakistanto pilotlarge-scale policy interventions for irrigation demand management, explore nature-based solutionsin agriculture, prepare for rare events in transboundary rivers, and generate scenarios for investment options in the Water-Energy-Food-Climate nexus.

11:00 AM - 11:30 PMSchistosomiasis prevention based on water point forecasting and data fusion. By Cheikh Ahmadou BambaProfessor - University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal

Schistosomiasis (bilharzia), one of the most relevanthuman parasitosis, is confirmed by microscopic detection of eggs in stool, urine, or organ biopsies after the infection of a patient.The urinary and intestinal schistosomiasis is a significant public health problem in Senegal with a prevalencerate varying between 0.3% and 1%. The lack of safe drinking water, sanitary infrastructureas well as daily life activities in rural areaswhich aredonearound water points,increase human water contact.Quite often, without symptoms and morbidity, rural people who have positive serology do not go to the hospital for diagnostic and then continue to infect water point.The proposed hybrid sensor-based epidemiology considersseveral metrics based on physical and chemical environment factorsof water pointscollected by sensor networks andan epidemiological model that forecasts the evolution of the density of parasites and snails causing schistosomiasis. Furthermore, we rely on the theory of belief functionsto combine the forecasts made by bothmodels by inferringone day ahead waterpointinfestation state.Therefore, the data fusion approach uses information coming from various sources. It enables to detect contaminated water points and thus takes proactive decisions such as prohibiting the infected area or preventing miracidium from infecting the mollusc or the parasitic larvae entering through the skin of humans. Indeed, the main goal is to stop the Schistosomiasis life cycle.

11:30 PM - 12:00 PMSAFeComNet: Safer Artisanal Fishing intEgrating a COMmunity NETwork By Moussa DialloProfessor - Polytechnic Institute of the University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal

Fisheries sector holds a prominent role in Senegalese economy according to foreign exchange earnings (exports) and vital needs of the population. Fishery remains artisanal and involves more than 19000 dugout canoes with different sizes. Nowadays, according to climate changes and fishes that are far away from coastal a lot of crashes occurs with roughly 100 deaths per year.Unfortunately, there is no rescue communication system for these dugout canoes and senegalese cellular networks do not cover distance upper than 7km from coasts. It is in this context that we propose SAFeComNet (Safer Artisanal Fishing intEgrating a COMmunity NETwork), which takes into account dugout canoes up to more than 20Km from the coast, whether they are in areas connected to cellular networks or in unconnected areas.I’ll present the SAFeComNetarchitecture during my talk at the Fourth “KAUST 6G Summit”.

12:00 PM - 02:00 PMLunch
Chair: Boon S. Ooi By Boon S. OoiFounding Professor - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
02:00 PM - 02:30 PMTowards 6G: fast and self-adaptive dynamic bandwidth allocation for next-generation mobile By Elaine WongAssociate Dean and Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology - University of Melbourne, Australia

6G networks will deliver dynamic and immersive applications that bridge real and digital worlds. The next generation passive optical access network is a potential optical transport solution for the fronthaul of open radio access networks. With this solution, uplink bandwidth is shared, and uplink latency performance is thus highly dependent on how bandwidth is allocated. Compounding this issue is that future mobile fronthaul (MFH) is expected to support a range of applications that could vary in terms of traffic patterns, bit-rate, etc. In view of dynamic network conditions, we review our recently proposed machine learning driven dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme that rapidly learns to optimize bandwidth allocation decisions to satisfy uplink latency requirements. The principle of operation of the scheme detailing the reinforcement and transfer learning framework is first described. Performance evaluation results implemented on a target empirical network are then presented. Results show that self-adaptive bandwidth decisions can be rapidly achieved in response to different traffic patterns, network loads, and line rates, consolidating the potential of the dynamic allocation scheme in supporting diverse applications in future MFH networks.

02:30 PM - 03:15 PMMicrowave Photonic Techniques For 6G By Jianping YaoDistinguished University Professor and University Research Chair in Microwave Photonics in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Canada.

Microwave photonics (MWP) is a rapidly evolving field that combines photonics technology and microwave engineering to create microwave devices and systems for the generation, processing, control, and distributions of microwave signals, which can find applications in 6G. In this talk, microwave photonic techniques for 6G will be discussed, including photonic generation of microwave signals and photonic transmission of microwave signals, true time delay phased array beamforming, and microwave photonic links for integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). Photonic integrated circuits for microwave generation and radio over fiber transmission will also be discussed.

03:15 PM - 03:30 PMCoffee Break
03:30 PM - 04:00 PMQuantum Key Distribution Over Free-Space Optics: Why is it Now? By Anh PhamProfessor and the Head of the Computer Communications Laboratory - University of Aizu, Japan

The Internet has entirely transformed the way we live. While it significantly enhances our quality of life, the cybersecurity has emerged as one of the biggest concerns. Due to the significant developments in the computing technologies, both hardware and software, classical cryptography methods, which rely on the mathematical complexities of encrypting algorithms will be soon in vulnerability. This talk begins with the review the classical cryptography and the threats from the recent advancement of quantum computing. I will introduce the basic concepts of the quantum key distribution (QKD) and the BB84 protocol. Proposed by C. Bennet and G. Brassard in 1984, the BB84 protocol has the potential to offer the unconditional security based on the laws of physics, rather than on the mathematical complexities. Finally, I will briefly present recent efforts, including ours, in the research and development of QKD systems over free-space optics for both wireless terrestrial and satellite communications.

04:00 PM - 04:30 PMGbps Laser-based underwater wirelessoptical communication By Boon OoiFounding Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering - King Abduallah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

The ocean is key to human survival, providing naturalresources,most of the global oxygen supply, andeconomic development through mineral, gas, andoildeposits. Although the sea is primarily considered a silentworld, it is abundant with the natural sounds of marine life communication andgeologicalprocesses.Humanactivities, especially active sonars,water polluting, shippingtraffic, and underwatervehicles,havesignificantlyaffected the aquaticecosystemandenvironment. In this talk, recent development and advances in underwater wireless optical communication will be presented. I will focus my discussion on optoelectronic device and system challenges facing long distance, multiple-Gbps underwater wireless optical communication. The future perspective of the underwater photonics will also be discussed.